About Us

Capital Reeds

Calvin Scott (oboe), Oscar Lavën (bassoon), Patrick Hayes (clarinet)

CAPITAL REEDS is a Wellington-based reed trio comprised primarily of an oboe, a clarinet, and a bassoon. Sometimes we also feature other less familiar reed instruments such as the cor anglais, bass clarinet, and contrabassoon. The players of CAPITAL REEDS are all connected with each other through the activities of Orchestra Wellington and the RNZAF Symphonic Band.

Our aim is to showcase the reed trio as a distinctive, versatile, and edgy combination of musical instruments by presenting great pieces of music from different and contrasting eras, styles, and genres. Alongside skilfully crafted chamber music works composed specifically for reed trio, we have a variety of artful musical arrangements to share, as well as some original jazz-inspired sonorities.

More information about CAPITAL REEDS’ individual members is available here: CAPITAL REEDS - Biographical Notes.

Capital Reeds

In addition to our own concerts, we also play to create a suitable musical atmosphere at events such as exhibition openings, formal receptions, corporate functions, product and book launches, birthday parties, funerals and festivals. We play a range of styles from baroque and classical music through to tangos, light jazz, Parisian chansons, and well known melodies from the movies, shows and musicals.

For more information please, contact us at: music@capitalreeds.co.nz

Here are some live recordings of how we sound:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791): “Larghetto” from “Serenade” (KV439b/II)

(transcribed by Fernand Oubradous from the original version for two clarinets and bassoon)

Erwín Schulhoff (1894-1942): “Charleston” from “Divertissement” (1927)

Joseph Canteloube (1879-1957): "Pastorale" from “Trois Rustiques” (1946)

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